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The Python Code Handbook (free book with 40 code examples)

Introducing the Python Code Handbook from FreeCodeCamp that are worth your time:

1. This handbook will teach you Python for beginners through a series of helpful code examples. You'll learn basic data structures, loops, and if-then logic. It also includes plenty of project-oriented learning resources you can use to dive even deeper. (full handbook):

2. freeCodeCamp just published this course to help you pass the Google Associate Cloud Engineer certification exam. If you want to work as a DevOps or a SysAdmin, this cert may be worth your time. You'll learn Cloud Engineering fundamentals, Virtual Private Cloud concepts, networking, Kubernetes, and High Availability Computing. (20 hour YouTube course):

3. React Router 6 just came out a few months ago, and freeCodeCamp has already published an in-depth web development course teaching you how to use it. You'll learn about Page Components, Nested Routes, NavLink Components, and more. (90 minute YouTube course):

4. Learn REST API design best practices. This comprehensive tutorial will teach you how to use JavaScript, Node.js, and Express.js to build your own Workout-of-the-Day app. You'll learn about 3-Layer Architecture, HTTP error codes, pagination, and how to format a JSON response. (2 hour read):

5. Professor Kelleher has been teaching Data Visualization for over a decade at MIT and other universities. He's an expert in the popular D3.js JavaScript library. freeCodeCamp just published the latest version of his in-depth data viz course. He'll teach you how to use rendering logic, data transformation, and dynamic charts through a variety of projects you can code along with from home. (20 hour YouTube course):

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Quote of the Week: “Python is an experiment in how much freedom programmers need. Too much freedom and nobody can read another's code; too little and expressiveness is endangered.” — Guido van Rossum, Creator of the Python programming language

Happy coding.


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