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Integrating SwiftUI into Existing AppKit Cocoa Projects: A Step-by-Step Guide

SwiftUI for AppKit

As Apple continues to push SwiftUI as the future of app development across its platforms, many developers find themselves in a position where they need to integrate this modern framework into their existing AppKit Cocoa projects. This integration can breathe new life into older applications, allowing developers to take advantage of SwiftUI's declarative syntax and powerful features while maintaining their existing codebase. In this guide, we'll walk through the process of adding SwiftUI to an existing AppKit Cocoa project, providing you with the knowledge to modernize your macOS applications.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Ensure Xcode compatibility:
    Make sure you're using Xcode 11 or later, as SwiftUI requires it.
  2. Set the deployment target:
    Your project's deployment target should be macOS 10.15 (Catalina) or later to use SwiftUI.
  3. Create a SwiftUI view:
    Add a new SwiftUI View file to your project:
    • File > New > File
    • Choose "SwiftUI View" under the macOS tab
    • Name your view and create it
  4. Integrate SwiftUI view into AppKit:
    There are two main ways to integrate SwiftUI into AppKit:

    a. Using NSHostingView:

    This wraps a SwiftUI view in an NSView that can be used in your AppKit interface.

    import SwiftUI
    let swiftUIView = MySwiftUIView()
    let hostingView = NSHostingView(rootView: swiftUIView)
    // Add hostingView to your existing AppKit view hierarchy

    b. Using NSHostingController:

    This creates a view controller that manages a SwiftUI view.

    import SwiftUI
    let swiftUIView = MySwiftUIView()
    let hostingController = NSHostingController(rootView: swiftUIView)
    // Add hostingController's view to your existing AppKit view hierarchy
  5. Update your view hierarchy:
    Ensure the SwiftUI view is properly positioned and sized within your AppKit interface. You may need to set constraints or frames.
  6. Handle data flow:
    If your SwiftUI view needs to interact with your AppKit code, you can pass data using bindings or create an ObservableObject to manage shared state.
  7. AppKit to SwiftUI communication:
    To update your SwiftUI view from AppKit code, you can use Combine framework or create custom bindings.
  8. SwiftUI to AppKit communication:
    Use closures or delegation patterns to send data or trigger actions from SwiftUI to AppKit.

Example Implementation

Here's a simple example of how you might integrate a SwiftUI view into an existing AppKit window:

import Cocoa
import SwiftUI

class ViewController: NSViewController {
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Create the SwiftUI view
        let swiftUIView = MySwiftUIView()
        // Wrap the SwiftUI view in a hosting view
        let hostingView = NSHostingView(rootView: swiftUIView)
        // Set the frame of the hosting view
        hostingView.frame = self.view.bounds
        // Make the hosting view resize with its superview
        hostingView.autoresizingMask = [.width, .height]
        // Add the hosting view to the view hierarchy

// Your SwiftUI view
struct MySwiftUIView: View {
    var body: some View {
        Text("Hello from SwiftUI!")

This example creates a SwiftUI view and adds it to an existing AppKit view controller. The SwiftUI view will fill the entire space of the view controller's view.


Integrating SwiftUI into existing AppKit Cocoa projects opens up new possibilities for modernizing your macOS applications. While the process requires careful consideration of how to bridge the two frameworks, the benefits can be significant. You can gradually introduce SwiftUI components into your app, taking advantage of its declarative syntax and powerful features, while maintaining your existing AppKit codebase.

Remember that while SwiftUI and AppKit can coexist in the same project, they have different paradigms for layout and state management. You may need to create bridging components or adapt your architecture to smoothly integrate both frameworks. As you become more comfortable with this integration, you'll be well-positioned to evolve your app alongside Apple's latest technologies, ensuring its longevity and appeal to users.


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