CodeIgniter Wizard is a PHP developer utility / rapid application development (RAD) tool which helps quickly generate an advanced starting point for MySQL database-driven web applications with administrative interfaces.
In the video, you will witness the creation of a PHP MySQL web app with an admin template in about 9 minutes using CodeIgniter Wizard.
By having CodeIgniter Wizard generate common boilerplate code for database-driven CRUD operations with both front-end and back-end components with a simple, intuitive, GUI-based Mac app, you can save weeks, even months from your routine coding time.
With a database-first approach, the wizard asks you to select the tables and fields you want to include in your application, and then it automatically generates the necessary models, views and controllers - even the new CodeIgniter 4 entities - all at once, supporting standard database CRUD operations namely create, read, update and delete. It can even create a sidebar and a dashboard home page with widgets automatically with some basic data from your modules.
Some of the code scaffolding process is inspired from that of the once legendary CodeCharge Studio and ASP.NET MVC project editing feature of Visual Studio for Windows. That said, CI Wizard is one of the very few applications available on the Mac platform with code generators operated under a user-friendly GUI.
CodeIgniter Wizard is by far the fastest way to rapidly build entity classes, models, views and controllers on a Mac.
In another video (, we are taking a closer look at the code generated by CodeIgniter Wizard, by opening the generated project folder in Visual Studio Code.